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Hello! My name is

Sandipan Mukherjee

I am a Frontend developer based in Durgapur, India. I've expertise in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, and Tailwind CSS. I specialize in converting designs into pixel-perfect, accessible, and responsive websites.

Picture of Sandipan Mukherjee

My Projects

Nature's Gold Honey Landing Page

It is a landing page for a fake organic brand - Nature's Gold Honey. It has been built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Coming Soon Template

This coming soon template has features like countdown timer, sliding contact form, and popup notify form.

Huddle Landing Page

This landing page has been built using HTML and CSS. I have used BEM methodology for naming the classes.

Loopstudios Landing Page

This landing page has been built using HTML & CSS. I have used JavaScript for the mobile navigation part.

Contact Me
